Morning After Pill

The morning after pill is now available without prescription.

The emergency contraceptive pill (often called the “morning after pill”) is a pill that you can take after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The morning after pill is available directly from a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription to those over 17 years of age, subject to meeting certain criteria.

The emergency contraception service is available free of charge to medical card holders.

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How does Emergency Oral Contraception work?

If you think you need emergency contraception, it’s important to act quickly. Emergency contraception is a safe and effective method of preventing pregnancy when regular contraception has failed or if no contraception was used.

How will the pill be supplied?

Our pharmacists treat all requests for emergency contraception professionally and confidentially.

The patient must attend Clonminch Pharmacy in person.  A representative cannot pick up the medicine.

The pharmacist will need to ask a few simple questions before giving you the medication. This will help the pharmacist ensure that the morning after pill is suitable for you to use.

Some of the reasons it may not be suitable to supply emergency contraception include:

  • Too much time has passed for the medicine to be effective
  • You are taking other medicines that interact with emergency contraception
  • You have an existing medical condition that means it is not safe to take emergency contraception
  • Your last period was irregular in some way

Emergency contraception can be effective up to 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex but it is important to take it as soon as possible as the quicker you take it the more effective it works.
